Sunday 25 May 2014

Fansites: Super Heroes or Super Villains? (I'm totally joking, please don't kill me)

So I'm taking a break from writing about Bonnie and Clyde and some other tedious little topics we're working on and I want to write a little bit about fansites. Mainly because people ask a lot of questions via about this fansite or that fansite or just general questions.

Sunday 18 May 2014

A summary of Bonnie and Clyde as acted by Key - Part 2

I left off the last part with Key's epic fight with his brother and Bonnie. Now we're coming up on some of the most exciting parts of the musical!

Friday 16 May 2014

A summary of Bonnie and Clyde as acted by Key - Part 1

As most of you know camera's and recordings are completely forbidden during musical performances here in Korea...or anywhere really. Unfortunately Musical's aren't like concerts where you can wait (a century for SM to get their shit together) and they'll release a dvd. So here's a summary of what exactly it is Key does when he plays Clyde Chestnut Barrow in Bonnie and Clyde the musical.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Why NOT to become an English Teacher in Korea

aka Common Misconceptions About Teaching in Korea

I get asked a lot of questions about being a teacher. I don't really intend to talk about my job or personal life too much on Jabiless, but this topic is really linked in with K-pop and SHINee so I want to address it here. If I got a dollar for every time someone told me they wanted to be just like me and live in Korea and see SHINee all day long I'd be rich. I completely understand where people are coming from though. If you just look at my twitter it looks like I SHINee all day every day. But that's certainly not the case. I want to explain why it is a terrible idea to come to Korea as a teacher if all you want to do is K-pop.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Why fansigns are a special kind of torture

I think there's a fair amount of interest for fansigns and how it is we get into them. I should disclaim myself now by saying; please don't be surprised if this post puts you off the idea of fansigns forever.

So if everything works out in your favor a SHINee fansign could be the greatest experience of your life. I'm not even joking. SHINee are really, at the end of the day, just 5 dudes but when you spend such a huge chunk of your time gazing with abject wonder at their beautiful glowing visage on twitter, seeing the real thing is a sensory overload like nothing has ever prepared you for. So you can just imagine what talking to them is going to be like.

The 5 crazy hardest things we've ever done for SHINee

It sometimes hits me how hard it is to get information about being able to do things SHINee-related in Korea. I still don't know everything there is to know and it's been a loooooong learning process. From Music Shows to free concerts to SHINee World Concerts to fansigns to special events, endorsement promotions and the list goes on, there are a stack of things you can do but....they're all super difficult. So here's the absolute hardest thing's we've done as fangirls. I hope you find it interesting~!

SHINee Blogging 시작~!

I write a lot on twitter now-a-days about various SHINee fan events I get to go to and often just feel like Twitter's 140 character limit is cramping my style. I'm a pretty wordy person and sometimes I just want to get my ideas out there and 140 characters isn't cutting it. So here we go; I'm finally starting a blog. Mainly because I fear Tumblr; I've heard so many horror stories from the deep depths of Tumblr land that I think I'll stick to old school blogspot.

I don't really want to reveal too much of the real me. My name is Min, I live in Korea and I'm 91-liner. I have 2 cats named Bonnie and Clyde and all my friends are fangirls. I have a hilarious close friend who commonly refers to fangirls as 'Magical people' and non fangirls as 'Muggles'. So I like to think I've surrounded myself with magical people~ SHINee being the most magical among us.

SHINee bring me a great deal of joy and happiness. Living away from family is sometimes kind of lonely, but I've never felt that pain thanks to SHINee. From debut they've only ever brought me joy and happiness which is why I've decided to open this blog. I want to write about my experiences and share them for a number of reasons. Firstly because I know living overseas as an international fan is super tough and I would have loved it if there were more English speaking fans sharing their experiences when I was stuck back home. And secondly because I worry about the distortion of information that happens sometimes. Unfortunately the only access we have as fans is via things translated from Korean to Japanese/Chinese to English. I can't say I'm all knowing or going to be 100% correct all the time but I'll try my best ^.^

That said, I hope anyone who decides to read my entries can give me the benefit of the doubt. I hope if I phrase something awkwardly or offend anyone in any way you can calmly let me know. I realize fangirls can often get really fired up; my greatest worry about writing like this is only that I'm opening myself up for hate. The internet sucks sometimes because of it's anonymous nature. I really would love to hear people's opinions and questions, but I'm not doing this to open myself up to any hatred or flaming (only the Minho kind allowed guys~) As my friend kindly reminded me: at the end of that day I'm doing this for myself.