Thursday 11 September 2014

Minho and foods

Ah so I should preface this by saying I feel a little weird about getting involved in this but it's getting out of hand. So as a few of you may know a pretty epic twitter mess started a few days ago over the account called Minho and foods on twitter. I asked around because I was initially majorly confused about what was going on and hopefully we can try and lay down an explanation for why this got so crazy so quick.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Kpop is, apparently, not real music.

So there are these forums designed mainly for teachers living in Korea. We exchange teaching materials mostly but I've found a particular brand of ignorant stupid which is really surprising since everyone on these forums chose to come live in Korea. You'd expect a certain amount of open-mindedness and receptiveness from people who move to another country and take up long term residence, but no; that's not what you get.