Thursday, 11 September 2014

Minho and foods

Ah so I should preface this by saying I feel a little weird about getting involved in this but it's getting out of hand. So as a few of you may know a pretty epic twitter mess started a few days ago over the account called Minho and foods on twitter. I asked around because I was initially majorly confused about what was going on and hopefully we can try and lay down an explanation for why this got so crazy so quick.

A few weeks ago a fan started an account where they tweeted pictures comparing Minho to food. And it was cute. It really was. The photos of Minho being compared to a chocolate bar and oreos were super adorable and I'll admit to following the account. So when a big Minho fansite retweeted a request to help have the account banned I was a little confused.

I'm not saying it's right, but it's extremely common for Korean fans to rally together to have an account banned if they're doing things to damage SHINee's reputation. And a lot of the time it's a practice I wholly support, because usually it's done with good intentions.

And in this case I can see why K-fans are upset. The facebook side of the online Korean fan community is rather different from twitter, just as it is in English speaking online communities. There's actually a huge amount of disdain and anti sentiment for kpop idols and, by default, SHINee themselves on the facebook side of things. So when someone found the Minho and foods twitter account and screenshot all of the tweets and uploaded them on a facebook designed to post humorous content, it was bad news for Minho and SHAWols. Because 308 shares, 17,029 likes and 1,314 comments later (at the time of writing) this post has gotten a lot of attention. It's gaining speed and spreading as I type. And it's not necessarily nice attention. It's opened a forum for anti's and people who don't have any respect or affection for SHINee to attack and slander Minho. And while this is 1000% not the original twitter owners fault nor intention, I'm sure, it's what's brought the K-fandoms wraith down on her. 

Because honestly, while the cookie and sweet comparisons between Minho and food were really really cute, it's the comparison of Minho to a chewed piece of gum and a pig that's getting all the attention. Even the comparison of Minho's armpits to coconuts isn't all that flattering. The facebook account that posted the photos wrote:

어느 아이돌 팬의 트위터.jpg

아 진짜 개웃곀ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

An Idol fan's twitter
ah this is freaking funny lolololololololol

And in the comments sections a lot of Korean fans questioned whether the Minho and foods account was really owned by a fan and not an anti-fan. Because this kind of comparison can be seen as insulting and not funny. Really really insulting. My students at school go around calling each other a pig and it's honestly very mean and cruel of them. It comes down to a difference in what people find funny and what they find offensive and a huge variety of cultural contexts, I'm sure. It's even a common argument that crops up in a given country's comedy scene. What crosses the line between funny and offensive? Unfortunately a lot of Koreans in the comment section, chose to read the intended humor very offensively. And if you think about it, who particularly wants to be compared to a pig or a chewed piece of gum?  

That said, I had a discussion a long time ago with a friend about the Korean fandom's impulse to shoot first and ask questions later. Unfortunately, just like the English speaking online community, the Korean speaking community have people with fiery tempers and too fast a trigger reflex. Some tend to respond emotionally and where I know I prefer that someone hand me a logical argument over an emotional rant, unfortunately a few Korean fans chose to resort to badly written English threats and swears to convey their message. What someone should have done was calmly approach the girl who owns the twitter and explain why they're so upset. Before starting attempts to have her blocked. And by involving Minho fansites, who have literally thousand of followers who religiously follow 'fansite onni's' every command, this has become unnecessarily big. And the reason that is, is because amongst the Korean fandom at the moment, there's now some doubt cropping up over whether Minho and foods account is run by an anti-fan. In the comments on the original Korean language facebook post, like I said, everyone is convinced that the person who posted the comparisons must be an anti and not a fan. And what do we do to anti-fans in fandom? We become a little childishly mean and borderline crazy in our defense of SHINee. 

The mentality that the Korean fans have is that the Minho and foods account has essentially become a weapon that anti's can use against SHINee, regardless of whether it has good intentions. I see a lot of English speaking fans defending the Minho foods account by saying that antis are going to find ways to hate regardless and you're right, but I think maybe if we can limit the material we hand to them it might be best. Also, in this case, it's not antis deliberately twisting the purpose of Minho and foods, it's a bunch of ignorant morons on facebook reading the intended message incorrectly. I say this in the nicest way possible, because I really don't have any resentment for the Minho and foods girl, but the comparison between Minho and chewed gum and a pig isn't funny on any level to Korean fans. It's very hurtful. Even I feel a little upset by it. This is a cultural gap that we as fans of  a Korean group need to deal with in small ways every day of our fandom life. There's a cultural gap between what is humorous to Korean fans and English speaking fans and even just a plain old gap in opinion. Because I know a lot of people will disagree with me about how offensive this is. Furthermore this material has been taken off twitter in it's original English speaking context and put on a Korean facebook page, where the Korean general public are now slandering Minho. And it hurts right? Doesn't it really fucking hurt us as fans to see people slandering and mocking SHINee and especially Minho, who is nothing but lovely and kind always? So I think it was wrong of the K fans and everyone who followed their lead in slandering and swearing at Minho and foods and I wish someone had taken the time to explain to her the context for why they were so angry. Because they had every right to be upset, they just perhaps chose the wrong way to go about resolving the situation.

Basically SOME Korean fans were absolute jerks about this whole thing. But there were certainly just as many English speaking fans who were being jerks about it too. Moral of the story is don't be a jerk. If you have a problem with someone or even if the K fans have a problem with someone and you happen to agree with them, don't swear and lash out. Because no ones going to be inclined to agree with you if you throw out death threats and don't give reasons. I saw a lot of English tweets saying some pretty horrible things to Minho and foods, so I-fans are guilty as well. I can't do much about the Korean speaking fandom, but I can say something to English speakers.

Minho and foods got a lot of unnecessary abuse from people and a lot of it is because the general conception among the K-public is that Minho and food is an anti-fan. But I'd ask whoever is responsible for the account, not for the sake of Korean fans, but for the sake of Minho and SHINee, be very careful about what you post. I can't make you delete the account and I'd be a self righteous asshole if I asked you to, but at least consider erasing the content that's causing so much distress. Because seeing random assholes amongst the Korean public, who have no idea what a lovely, beautiful person Minho is, laughing and shaming him by comparing him to a pig and chewed gum is a pretty horrible feeling. Which is why SOME of the k fandom lashed out like they did. 

As for everyone else, unfortunately all we can do is not engage in fandom warfare. Even if you see someone saying something horribly ignorant, please ignore it. Ignore the K-fans AND the I-fans that succumb to childishness and please let's not let this become another stain on the relationship between SHAWols. If you feel like you have to do something, it's entirely up to you whether you wish to report Minho and foods as a spam account; it really comes down to how you feel personally about this whole thing. 


  1. I don't think you are aware of the extent of how much they are harassing her. They are now even stalking her private accounts and threatening to release her facebook details to the public. In what world is that okay? Death threats are NEVER okay! They're bullying and harassing another human being with the threat of destroying her personal life just to protect an idol who probably won't even care as much about the situation as his stans do. They're making such a big deal out of this, yes his public image is important but at what stake to protect it? We're talking about ruining the privacy and safety of a normal teenage girl here! I understand your stance on this and agree that this situation has gotten way out of hand but you have to acknowledge that what these kfans are doing are in way healthy or okay in any sane situation (death threats, stalking her private accounts, threaten to leak her facebook details). They are going up-and-beyond to ruin this girl. Cultural differences don't make death threats okay and this elitist attitude is not healthy either. They are literally bullying her into doing exactly what they want her to do. Instead of cornering her, the sane kfans should all rally against those crazy/elitist ones and stop them from escalating the situation even further with threats and then come back to talk to her quietly and logical. I'm sure it would be much easier to appease to both sides if none of them no longer felt threatened. I wish the girl running the minhoandfoods account would atleast try to delete and remove all the 'offensive' and 'controversial' photos too. Both sides need to try harder to end this dispute. The problem is that none of the sides are willing to take the first sane step to do so... It's like the cold war all over again...

    1. Honestly I know they're being mental cases. The shitty part is that its a group of K fans who are known for being extremists and there are K fans asking them to stop and calm down. Its a k fan internal issue and there's literally nothing I can do about that side of things. I wrote this for the benefit of all the innocent bystanders who were confused as anything and because I was seeing some English speakers sending horrible messages to the Minho and foods account, so I thought we might be able to at least get some English speakers to leave her alone. This sort of harassment from the Korean side of things is not uncommon amongst Korean fans, its just crazy that theyre applying this method to who I can only assume is a school girl or something. Honestly I agree. It would be easiest if she just shut the account down and saved herself the burden of having to deal with the insane people who are hunting her down. I should have expressed it better, but I dont in any way think bullying or harassing anyone online has any room or purpose. I think the k fans responsible for those threats should be ashamed of themselves. However these crazy accounts that threaten and abuse make up an ugly part of Korean fandom that might be seen as beyond control. If k fans were going to unite on an issue and stand up to these crazy girls, I doubt its going to be in defense of someone who is popularly considered a Minho anti at this point.

    2. This whole thing is just really sad and unnescessary and Im upset that the english speaking fandom is being exposed to such an ugly aspect of K fandom. Hopefully it all resolves itself peacefully in the end.

  2. Tbh i just understand a little whats goin on. When the war started im not aware. I found that from a group chatted beetween my SHAWol friends. They shared a pict minho being compared to a pig while chewed apple(?) from lucky star jacket to a pig chewed apple too. For short, they talked abt the acc being antis but other said she really minho fans, KSHAWol esp fansite angry, and war. The pict leaked in korean forum where net can free mocked him and KSHAWol who threatened the girl death warned.

    As SHINee fan, eventhough im not minho bias, i taken in offensive way. I dont want SHINee being treated like a trash. They are important person for me. But as human, i cant take it too. Who want their face being compare to dirt animal like pig seriously? The girl, IF her face being compare too she might take in offensive way. Bcz that inhuman, low brain, low attitude. It not talked abt diff culture again. It talked abt attitude as human. If i saw in KSAWol pov, im not gonna take 'she's just a lil girl'. A lil girl learnt and study too right? I just thought if her parent not gave her a lesson? Why her attitude i can compare as animal too or even bar bar. If she's a fan how can she said or upload a hurtful thingy abt her idol? Isnt she geel guilty? The peeson u cherish, treassure and love compare to animal by urself. If me, im not take a shit.

    But KSHAWol arent true either. Sending death warned is too far. Their attitude if i can say as low as the gir itself. Not all of them ofc. Can they say in a good way to warn? Not pleass to hear "we just want to protect our baby" with send death message and want to leaked her personal acc. If i wanna say, SHINee is my baby too. And i dont want them hurt.

    My point is we can disscus in ease and cool mind. No harmed and treathened each others. If SHINee know whats goin on inside fandom, they will feel hurt and sad too. They not knitted unite line within a day like now. They did freaking 6 long years. Are all of their effort trash like now? What happend inside fandom now, that can make antis and saseng laugh their ass to us. They feel happy and maybe held a party to celwbrate SHAWol falling apart just by a lil thing that honestly we can fix in nice way.

    If minho or SHINee hear, they will upset to all of us im sure. And SHINee is known as netizen too. I just hope it can fix soon. Before got bigger and hurt all of us...
