Tuesday, 3 June 2014

How International Fans can protect SHINee and their privacy

Before I even write anything more about this I want to make it clear that I really don't want to incite any hate or drama. I started this blog so I could share information and talk about issues within SHINee's fandom that are important to me. This is NOT a call to war or an invitation to attack anyone I mention in this post. I don't want people to spread hate or get angry. I'm hoping that people can become very aware of the behavior they are enabling by reblogging certain materials.
We’re going to use Reneeing as an example for the purpose of this post. She’s certainly not the only person guilty of taking photos where she shouldn’t, but she’s a good conclusive example of what we mean by fans overstepping the boundaries. I got a question sometime last year asking who Reneeing was. At the time, I'm going to be completely honest, I had no idea who she was or what she was doing. I'm not active on tumblr and I follow fansites directly for updates so I'd never come across any of her photos. I asked a few friends and the reaction was fairly explosive: there are certainly some people who do not like her at all. And it was as simple as googling 'reneeing' to find out why. I kid you not, all I had to do was literally go to google images and type 'reneeing onew' and it was understandable why people were so upset. I won’t include any of her photos in this post that are taken where they shouldn't be. I don’t want to contribute to sharing these photos as we really do feel like they’re an invasion of SHINee’s privacy. However, if you really want to see these photos for yourself, it really is as easy as doing a google search.

There is a really fine line between being a fansite and a stalker fan, but the line is etched fairly deep. There are places fansites will not take photos and the reason I bring this up is because SHINee fansites in particular are deeply protective of SHINee and SHINee's privacy. Fansites actually have to be very careful that they don’t take any photos that even approach a breach of SHINee’s privacy as it can severely damage their reputation.

Maybe it's sentimental but is it wrong of us as fans of SHINee? Is it too much to ask that SHINee are allowed aspects of their lives where there are not camera's in their faces? I know a lot of people subscribe to the belief that celebrities sign up for a life of limelight when they sign a contract, but the fact remains that for the most part fans do not take photos of SHINee in certain places: on the plane when they're sleeping and mentally preparing for the next exhausting schedule they have. Inside their hotels in the hallways and foyers. When they're eating or with friends in public, off schedule. These are just a few examples.

Reneeing has photos in nearly every area that’s considered off limits as fans. She has photos of SHINee sleeping on the plane. Photos of them in customs and baggage, as well as in the hallways and lobbies of their hotels. She followed Onew for his private filming of Law of the Jungle and took photos of him in the jungle in Malaysia. She has photos of Onew on the shuttle between terminals in LA. Fansites only take photos at public venues. Whether or not photography is officially allowed, SHINee have official schedules and are working. Or when they're travelling overseas on public schedules, in the public area of the airport. Fansites do NOT take photos of SHINee on the plane. Or in the hotels. Or during their private time.

Ignoring any debate about what constitutes an invasion of privacy, if you go through Reneeing's Instagram she has video's of Onew in the baggage claim area which is highly frowned upon and illegal in Korea and Japan. You should not take video or photo before exiting customs. It's not a question of being a good fan, she's coming very very close to breaking the law in this case. Also videos she took on her mobile phone and uploaded to Instagram in LA were breaking the law as you need a permit to record inside the airport customs and baggage areas.

In Reneeing’s case; we often hear people defending her by saying that Onew seems to like her. That he wears her fangifts and she gets eye contact in her photos. In terms of wearing her fangifts, Onew probably has very little idea who the gift is actually from. Even if she attached her name to the bag he would have no idea what her name is. He recognizes her face and the camera attached to it. She might be passing the gifts straight to the manager at airports or at fansigns where nearly everyone gives over a gifts and it’s likely to get lost amongst other gifts. I can't know for sure, but I think his wearing her gifts can be explained away very easily. It doesn’t seem to be out of any personal attachment. As for eye contact, SHINee make eye contact with all cameras. They're celebrities. They know how to play the cameras and they will give every lense eye contact. If anything I feel like Onew's face is kind of...stiff when he spots her.





Reneeing has been asked by multiple people to stop taking and spreading photos that violate SHINee's privacy. People via Instagram, Weibo and in person have asked her to stop; this is an issue that concerns a lot of SHINee's fans. I don't think Reneeing is being malicious when she takes and posts these photos. I think she genuinely doesn't understand that what she's doing is overstepping boundaries. This goes for any fan that takes photos of SHINee in private settings. The infamous photos of SHINee in their private hotel’s pool. On planes while they’re sleeping. Outside the SM building when they’re sweaty and tired.The SM building is not an official schedule. It’s their private workplace and a place of business and in no way do fans have any purpose being at the building.  I mentioned earlier we didn’t want to share any photos or videos that intrude on SHINee’s privacy but if you don’t understand why we would like people to stop hanging around the SM building or taking photos of them there, please at least listen to Jonghyun.

In the above videos the girls are crowding Jonghyun, flocking around him and thrusting their camera’s in his face. Jonghyun blocks the camera using his hat. He looks tired and upset, his face is turned away and he very clearly asks the girl who is standing way too close, holding a camera phone in his face: 찍지마요 Don’t take photos.

This isn’t a problem that’s isolated to SHINee fans. There are countless videos of EXO fleeing fans outside the SM building. Look in the right places on youtube and you can see this is a problem in multiple fandoms. As SHINee fans we can choose to not accept this behaviour amongst SHAWols. We can’t stop people taking photos. We can’t be on the plane or in the hotels physically stopping them, nor can we hang around the SM Building to stop people pushing their camera’s and phones in SHINee’s faces. But we can choose not to spread this content. Don’t look at it, don’t watch it. Politely ask people not to share it. If people who take these photos no longer have an audience, they are more likely to lose interest in what they’re doing. Please don’t worship or thank people for doing something that makes Onew or Jonghyun or SHINee uncomfortable.

As International fans, we care for SHINee too. And we are equally capable of protecting SHINee in my mind. If you see a photo that you think is sketchy, don't reblog it. Don't share it. Try to forget you ever saw it. Because while it might be a photo of them sleeping on a plane and super cute: is the momentary satisfaction we feel at seeing them worth it? Is it worth breaching SHINee's resting time? They're very aware of all the content about themselves online: maybe next flight they won't rest as easy knowing there's someone waiting across the aisle to snap their picture.I think as a fan, all we can ask ourselves is what is more important? Our personal satisfaction or SHINee’s freedom to breathe?


  1. Thanks for this post, I agree 100%.

  2. Yesss!!! When there's a tiny hint of a privacy issue with some website or a government intelligence agency ppl go berserk, but when it comes to the juicy details of a celebrity's private life those same ppl can't be satiated. Hello! Universal human rights are universal! They apply to celebrities, too, not only to you!

    1. Exactly. Just because they signed a contract with SM, doesn't mean they signed over their rights to privacy. I think as fans we should be the first people to defend that right, rather than the first people to breach it.

  3. As this might be common sense to some of us, there is a not-so-small set of fans that don't get it. I was wary of fansites at first until I did research on the most popular ones and stick to those. If I see see pics that are obviously not of the norm (I heard people talk about the ones where they were swimming at the hotel last year) I avoid them. I ask people not to reblog, ask people not to tag me in them... In all honestly, most days I feel like SHINee are my sons and I want to make sure they feel safe. I'm glad that you took the time to (eloquently) post your thoughts on this. I feel that a lot of fans look to you for info and advice in our fandom, so using your voice like this is refreshing! I'm proud that you're a Shawol!

    1. It means a lot to hear people agreeing with us. I always feel a little hesitant about sharing posts like this, but this time I honestly thought that there are people who very innocently just don't see the problem with photos at SM or on planes or in terminals. I remember when the swimming pool photos were going around and really big twitter and tumblr names were sharing them. It ends up being an opportunity for retweets and reblogs and popularity so I guess people need to decide whether selling SHINee's privacy out for their own popularity is worth it?

      It amazing to hear someone's happy to have me in fandom, thank you <3

  4. Cant say how much I agree to this post of yours. Not gonna lie, truthfully, its gonna be so so tough for me to not take photos of them, when theyre not doing their official schedules. Even if I were to spot them by chance outside, the temptation to take out my phone and snap photos of them will be there for sure. However, I always remind myself of the importance of respecting shinee's privacy, cos the least I could do for them then and there is too let them be as it is and to not interrupt them in whatever that theyre doing. At the end of the day, what makes them happy is what that makes me happy too as a shawol. So why not, right?

  5. I wanna share your post eonni...

  6. I agree with you, I'm from Chile and I know there is no much we can do from here but we can't stop this by not sharing the contents. Shawols must thinks of what makes SHINee happy and trust I don't think they are going to be really excited about having a camara in front of their faces 24/7 , we need to make people to understand there are some bunderies that they need to respect.

    1. I agree~ I feel like a lot of SHAWols pride themselves on being part of a fandom that cares for SHINee and not stepping over lines. Which is why it's possible for us to say no to these kinds of photos ^.^ Thanks for the read, it's appreciated~

  7. You can just look up videos on YouTube of people following SHINee around during their private time you don't even have to be a shawol to know its an invasion of privacy.

  8. Thank you eonni for remembering us. I felt upset and mad at the same time about the reening example. I knew thre's so many like reening came acroos the boundaries included at SM building. The temptetion of shot a pict to be truthfully honest, i have too. But the think called 'privacy' the first thing on my head fo them. All i want is them to be safe whenever they are in. And to be brutaaly honest too, there's a time that i yelled at them too. I always warned m all my fellow shawol that i knew (when they want to go to airport) everytime SHINee visited my country to not harmed them cz everytime they were here, the bad things happend.

    Eonni, as a shawol im very proud and grateful u r part of the fandom. Ur so brave to stand said thingd like this. Bcz i knew therr always pros and conts if we shared our thought in social media.

    Thank you eonni & saranghae
    (I appreciated ur effort)

    can i share it too?

    1. Feel free to share it~ Sorry for the late reply. And yeah, I think a few people online don't like that I have so much to say but I guess there will always be someone who doesn't like me, so I can't be too upset. Thanks for supporting SHINee in what ways you can, it's great to know so many people seem to share the same idea and want to protect SHINee ^.^

  9. I think that your post is something that everyone no matter the fandom should follow. After all no matter what fandom you happen to be in there are still fans of people that have the same right to privacy as you.

  10. I think that your post is something that everyone no matter the fandom should follow. After all no matter what fandom you happen to be in there are still fans of people that have the same right to privacy as you.
