Sunday, 8 June 2014

Why everyone hates WGM

A lot of people asked me questions about this a few months back when the issue re-exploded over the Taemin Nae-eun advertisement in the Korean subways. Basically a group of TaeEun shippers chose to take at an advertisement in a large, very public subway station congratulating Taemin and Nae-eun on their ‘one year anniversary.’ Maybe this post is a little late, but I still get questions about We Got Married to this day so I figure people are still confused. As always, I hope this post doesn’t reignite any hate or drama: we’re hoping for the opposite. A little understanding of where people are coming from on all sides can only help, right?

I've seen this question answered a few times but there's still a lot of fans who are confused as to why We Got Married is despised as much as it is by certain circles of Korean SHINee fans. And really I don't blame anyone for being confused because I've never seen a fantastic explanation in English. So I'm going to attempt explaining as best I can after asking around a little and gathering a few different sources. This might be a little late but I hope it helps people understand just why Korean fans are so upset at supposed WGM shippers and the We Got Married franchise in general.

The back story (skip if you just want to get into the juicy part)

My friend very kindly explained the history of We Got Married for some context. We Got Married started out selling itself as a total reality tv show (not to be mistaken with a Western reality tv show); the appeal was that people could watch the show and speculate as to who had real feelings and who was just acting. It generated gossip and speculation and the cast members never admitted to having genuine feelings for one another, but they never outright denied it either. In the beginning the show represented actual Korean dating and marriage culture and although parts were exaggerated, viewers were able to relate to relationships being represented on screen. Arguably the actual fuel for the show’s popularity was the gossip it generated.

At the time the show at least tried to maintain the reality aspect by using hidden cameras, especially within the couples homes. There were times where footage might be taken by a cameraman but MBC tried to present the show as 'reality TV' as much as possible. For example there would be scenes shot from the air conditioner’s point of view.

The show experienced reasonable popularity, but as time went on and more and more couples filtered through the show, the concept began to fall apart at the seams. When they were finished with the show, some couples would move on to marrying their real life partner or get caught dating during the show. There were controversies regarding people's behavior and attitude on the show and the general concept began to lose it's sparkle. We Got Married lost it's mainstream audience and popularity. Many people began to question why it was still airing. The producers were left to scramble for new strategies to fix the show's waning popularity.

Hence the appearance of Idols on the show. There's a difference between a celebrity in Korea and an Idol. Nowadays, Idol usually refers to company trained and debuted singers, generally in a group, who function not only as singers, but also in a variety of aspects of the entertainment industry. Idols inspire huge fan followings and so it's no surprise that musicals, variety shows and dramas are always keen to cast them to boost flagging ratings or generate public interest.

Idol couples saved WGM's flagging popularity. Some couples like Jung Hyungdon and Taeyeon from SNSD flopped, but the double idol couples like CN Blue's Jung Yonghwa and SNSD's Seoyeon and 2pm's Nickhun and f(x)'s Victoria were hugely popular especially overseas in Korea's Hallyu market. Jo Kwon and Ga In were already household names in entertainment, but also experienced huge popularity on WGM. What this overseas interest in the show meant was that MBC were now able to make a decent amount of money off of broadcasting copyrights since they were selling We Got Married to an overseas market, primarily in other Asian countries. The show might not have been making huge waves in Korea anymore, but it was still generating revenue.

The big picture

This brings us to why exactly We Got Married is so despised. Some Korean fans hate to see their idol on the show for a number of reasons.

1. Here's the super obvious one: some fans who have romantic feelings for their idol don't like seeing their bias holding hands with another girl, romancing her, saying I love you and enacting a fake relationship on screen where you get to watch all the gory details. I know based on previous comments on this post that there's an attitude of: well do you think you're going to date them? Dont be crazy you'll never be involved romantically.

Of course fans dont think they're going to become romantically involved with an idol. That doesn't mean they're required to enjoy a fake relationship between an idol they cherish and a stranger?
[This section has been edited by 2020 Min, because my opinion has changed]

2. The script. First of all when we say the show is scripted, we mean that every TV show is given an overarching ‘script’ that is responsible for dictating the direction the show goes in whether it’s a variety program or talk show. Sometimes this might mean a word for word script, but mainly it means the general events are outlined and set in stone by the broadcasting company and producers. Argue until you're blue in the face whether the show is scripted or not but Korean fans believe very firmly that We Got Married is almost entirely scripted. If you check out the ending credits there's a script writers credit. This script dictates an idol act a certain way and the reason this sits so uncomfortably with a lot of Korean fans is that often times the script will represent a version of your bias that isn't cohesive with reality. A good example of this is the episode of We Got Married where Taemin and Naeun go bungee jumping. Anyone who's seen SHINee's One Fine Day knows that Taemin has a passion for extreme sports. He jumps out of a plane and while he seems nervous, he's more excited and pumped for the experience than anything. Earlier than this, SHINee also did a stint bungee jumping on their first reality show after debut ‘Yonhanam’. He was very minimally nervous and by the time he appeared on WGM, he’d already experienced bungee jumping at least once.  So it's extremely strange that he magically has a fear of bungee jumping on We Got Married. Just sayin.

Script writing credits at the end of WGM:

3. The show is being sold as 'reality tv'. MBC like to firmly deny that the show is scripted and insist that everything broadcast is completely real. What this means is that everything Taemin does on the show is held accountable to his name and character. The general public don't know Lee Taemin. They know of SHINee, but the general Korean audience might only be able to name Kim Jonghyun as that guy from SHINee who sings really well, or Choi Minho that good looking kid who's on Dream Team and Star King a lot. For most people, We Got Married is the first contact they've ever had with Lee Taemin and not just the group SHINee. The general population are not idiots; they know that We Got Married is fake to a certain degree, but they don't know where the real person starts and MBC's script begins.

This is especially concerning given that MBC is one of the three biggest broadcasting stations in the country and WGM occupies a prime time slot. A lot of people have access and are watching the show.

4. Mangboongs. You may or may not have heard the term from concerned Korean fans. Mangboong or 망붕 is short for 망상분자 which means 'people who fall into delusion'.

There are two kinds of Mangboongs. The first kind is just your innocent We Got Married viewer who was so consumed by the illusion they passionately believe the We Got Married couple is completely sincere. There are different levels to how deep into the illusion they might have fallen. Some Mangboongs will acknowledge that the show is scripted but believe that the relationship between the couple is genuine. Other's are so deep in they insist that a script does not exist and that the whole production is completely real.

The second kind of Mangboong are internet trolls. We don’t know who these people are exactly. They could be anti-fans or fans from rival fandoms or even just attention seeking internet trolls who are causing trouble for the sake for entertainment’s sake. These internet trolls pose as fans of the couple in order to fuel the situation negatively. Given that these fans show themselves online and are therefore able to remain completely anonymous there's no knowing why exactly they choose to fuel the situation negatively.

Mangboongs of both variety function nearly entirely on the internet. Merely posting photos or videos promoting the couple is fairly harmless, but the real trouble begins when fans begin taking sides in the relationship. For example in the infamous episode where Naeun cried supposedly because Taemin had treated her badly, there was a lot of online discussion about what a jerk he was. Fans of the couple began to manipulate public opinion by posting comments and criticisms of his behavior. And they aren't restricted to fandom only portals like SHINee, A Pink or We Got Married forums. They can spread their 'promotion' of the couple to other general interest websites such as Naver, Daum or Bestiz, where netizens are able to make comments and discuss. Netizens who have no idea of Taemin's real character or the extent to which the We Got Married shows are scripted.

Mangboongs sphere of influence is not exclusive to the internet either. Banners supporting WGM couples at overseas airports, presents in the name of the couple, advertisements in subways. It's blurring the lines between fantasy and reality: If an average Korean consumer sees the actions of the Mangboong fans in a public context they don't have the necessary knowledge to verify what's reality or not. It's akin to spreading false dating rumours, which cause scandals and can have negative repercussions on the idols involved.

Let's take all of these points and apply them in context.

A good example of why all this is so concerning to Taemin's fans is the episode of WGM where Taemin supposedly made Naeun cry. He got a lot of negative attention because of this incident.

So operating with all the strong evidence that We Got Married is scripted in mind; MBC told Taemin to act like a jerk. It's a classic gender stereotype employed by We Got Married to draw the audience in: the poor soft, innocent nice girl is hurt by the words of the bad boy she 'loves'. Taemin did as he was told and followed the script. WGM staff exasperated the situation by adding their own subtitles and commentaries on screen highlighting what a 'bad guy' he was and instructing Naeun to cry. If Taemin was following a script then there is no doubt Naeun too was being instructed on how to act.

In turn because MBC insist that the show is reality tv, they are therefore pinning all the blame for Taemin's actions while following their script on Taemin alone. In an industry where image is everything, Taemin's reputation is incredibly precious to his fans. They realize that the kind of negative attention this generates is undeserved by Taemin and potentially damaging.

How does it become damaging? Because Mangboongs spread the content. Idol affairs don't necessarily concern the general public, but if a Mangboong fan were to post a video of Naeun crying and title it: 'Taemin makes Naeun cry' on a non fandom general interest blog or website, they are a) exposing it to people who have no reason to discern reality from lie and b) taking the episode out of context.

Why do random non-fan netizens matter though? What does it matter that they have a bad opinion of Taemin because of a show? It matters because that Netizen is a person. They have an identity offline and buying power here in Korea. They also have the ability to gossip with their friends about what a jerk 'Taemin' is and spread that negative opinion. As consumers it doesn't take much to sway a customers loyalty. If enough people hear rumors of the incident it's not too hard for them to simply choose to not stream SHINee's music or buy from a make up or shoe shop endorsed by them. After all there are literally only a hundred other places they could buy makeup in the near vicinity alone.

Understanding all these things, I'm sure it becomes apparent why some fans hate We Got Married, no?

Some Additional Notes

All of the above applies to any fandom which has been unfortunate enough to have their bias appear on We Got Married. '너네 오빠 우결이나 찍어라 ㅋ' meaning 'I hope your oppa appears on We Got Married' is seen as a curse on someone or a way of bad mouthing them. This is before the added drama of Taemin's situation.

I should probably make a note that fans were initially very well behaved regarding We Got Married. Undeniably SHINee and Taemin’s fans were not happy that he would be appearing on the show, but they kept their opinions to themselves and very quietly chose to not react publicly so as to not create tension between fans. Negative opinions expressed publicly by fans could also affect Taemin negatively. Until a certain infamous incident: MBC staff appeared on camera calling Taemin '개새끼'  and it was the final straw. The translation into English 'Son of a bitch' really doesn't do the insult justice. It also adds to long-held suspicions about the staff culture that is cultivated within MBC. SHINee and Taemin are contract workers for MBC. As Idols they don’t have a lot of sway or influence and are subject to the desires of large companies.Fans have concerns that the swearing incident potentially alludes to a verbally abusive or at least somewhat hostile working environment within the company. A company that SHINee have very regular contact with.

More evidence of this negative staff culture is apparent when you look at reports that MBC staff, while filming at Everland Amusement Park, were shining laser lights in onlooking fans eyes to ward them away. MBC staff were not only harassing and warding fans away, they were chasing away average customers at Everland who had no association with Taemin or Naeun. These non fans were understandably upset with the circumstances and the rude behaviour of the MBC staff. The fan account that circulated seemed positive that fans were keeping their distance and behaving. In any case it's pretty dangerous to shine anything like that into someone's eyes.

On a more personal note I've never met a nice staff member at MBC in all the times I've done SHINee promotions. KBS staff are mostly polite and SBS staff have been known to be pretty awesome, but in my opinion MBC staff are all jerks. Theyre hired security are the rudest individuals I have ever met.

If we really want to list more reasons why We Got Married is so hated we can also examine how it is exactly the show chooses to present gender stereotypes. We Got Married as a show chooses to perpetuate certain gender dynamics that are crazy archaic, even in a Korean’s point of view. There's an emphasis on male dominance. Women are often portrayed as weak and silly. These sort of gender dynamics and cliches; when they appear in dramas they are accepted because they are acknowledged as not real. While a lot of Korean dramas leave a lot to be desired in how women are portrayed, at least script writers aren't insisting that their dramas are completely accurate representations of real life or are otherwise not at all scripted. As a broadcaster it's not illegal for MBC to continue to portray negative gender stereotypes and insist they're reality; it just sucks of them.

Links to other articles regarding WGM:

Entertainment News article writing about Taemin’s previous Bungee Jumping experiences and how inconsistent the representation of his fear ion WGM is with reality:

Korean blog post listing evidences that WGM is scripted:


  1. When I've been watching Key's I've been trying to view it more as a drama and not as truth, but it's still frustrating. Arisa seems more like a prop that's being directed around and told to do stuff than an actual person and the gender stereotyping is really evident. Thanks for writing a mature detailed explanation of why people don't like this show, hopefully it will help to calm down some of the drama. :)

    1. I feel the same way. All this stuff applies to Key as well and I hate seeing anyone in SHINee misrepresented, especially when I feel like editing and cutting from the MBC staff factors in how things come out as well. Its just a mess. As cute as Key is in everything he does Ill be glad to see SHINee done with all this drama.

  2. "Here's the super obvious one: no one likes to see their bias holding hands with another girl, romancing her, saying I love you and enacting a fake relationship on screen where you get to watch all the gory details. Let's be real. It sucks."

    Uhm lol. It doesn't suck, not everyone is romantically attached to their bias.

    1. This is just a post covering all reasons. It's ok; you dont feel that way ^.^ Others do though which is why I included

  3. It's evident that WGM has been a big problem for MBC and Taemin ... The writers have handled the situation badly and after the controversy they have tried to change but it was too late and they are no longer able to save the couple and the situation! This story was not a problem only for Taemin, the show's reputation has dropped so much! They won't admit ever but probably behind the scenes some head is blown! With Key they are much smarter, MBC does not hide the cameras and show the interaction between the couple and the staff that follows them... Key and Arisa are a couple but also actors, it's evident that the two follow a written lineup, then the public gets confused by less... From what I read around the case of Taemin in WGM is now used everywhere as an example to describe the falsehoods and the ugliness of the reality shows ... It's a small consolation, but at least it's not all evil has come to harm ... Sorry for my poor English! :)

  4. This is why I don't watch this kind of show again.

    It hurts me so much to see Taemin being treated that way.

    anyway, a bit surprise for what you have specified about TV worker's attitude. MBC is really one of a kind....

    Thank you and sorry for my bad English ^^

  5. I remember there is an episode on WGM Global where Key and Arisa went shopping before their Honeymoon trip, and Key was in brown hair that time. Then, in their honeymoon trip, he's back to blond hair. lol. How can WGM Global producers explain that the show is not scripted when everything is so obvious like that.
    Thank you for your post. I don't like WGM but i don't hate either, i just watch it because of Key, but now, seeing they use his fear of height to make people laugh, i start to hate it.

    1. Don't get me started on Key's WGM. This post was mostly about Taemin but I can't even talk about Key on that show without getting really mad ㅠ.ㅠ They filmed most of Key's WGM in about 2 weeks and then filmed the last episode or 2 about a month and a bit later. It's completely contrived OTL

  6. i think you are an amazing shawol and a very reasonable person, thank you for taking the time to give your opinion as someone that actually lives in korea, also, there are a lot of not so reasonable people that get pissed at you for a little thing you said that could be misinterpreted, sure they could have a point but they loose it when they act like assholes, don't pay them too much attention, you don't deserve people being rude to you

    1. I think I have an idea of what you're referring to ^.^ I feel like...some people are determined to think the worst of me. I want to try and ignore those kinds of people. Sometimes it's made hard though. Hurtful words are still hurtful, even when coming from someone you don't care about. ^.^ Thank you for your kind comment~<3

  7. I.....don't even have a courage to watch Taemin's WGM until this day lol not because I hate Naeun or the show (I'm really new for all these korean var shows so I don't know how was these shows) it's just bcs I can't handle Taemin's cuteness in WGM like what everyone said hahaha XD but after read this I was is it really like this? O_O This show is.....a bit "interesting" but hateable. Really O_O

    But, when I heard Key join Global WGM I felt really excited. And I like Arisa from the 1st sight tbh hehehe
    But, I noticed a weird part when they're in Macau for honeymoon and Key was preparing a surprise with balloons and a necklace somehow it looks really scripted idk but I think it's not his style (depend on his appearance from what I see since 3yrs ago hahaha) and the way Arisa made a skinship with Key she's still looks awkward even for 13 ep from what I see (I saw the preview) idk it's just me or not but I realized that well.. WGM is really scripted no matter how honest-person-type Key is.___.

    1. Global WGM was filmed over a very short time period. Key and Arisa have literally met 5 or 6 times at most in their entire lives, I think? Maybe a few more, but not often at all. They're essentially paid actors who have to be very good at ad-libbing. Luckily Key is nothing if not quick on his feet so it's worked well enough for him. ^.^

  8. I know im years later but in 2014 ''Apink showtime'' the first ep was them wanting to try bungee jumping Naeun tried to jump but she cant the other members jumped the people who did not jump was chorong(leader) and naeun, naeun strated crying a bit later with the other member Bomi it was meant to be funny but she was crying if you want proof go to youtube type ''Apink ShowTime ep 1 eng sub'' you will find it keep watching and you will find it.

    1. Naeun seems scared when she's filming WGM too...
      Maybe it's because there's someone who accompanying her. :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love Kim Yura and Hong Jonghyun as a couple on we got married. But after read all of this and other website about wgm, I feel like don't want to watch this kind of program again. I hate it. After the show ends, a lot of positive and negative comments on the couple sns. Fans keep fighting each other about the couple. And then, when one of the couple have a scandal with other stars after the show. Fans keep fighting each other. After read all of the article about wgm. MBC cannot be trusted. Sorry for my bad English.

  11. I know this is long after the fact but I started watching the show (just for my baby Taemin) and I felt like something was off. It really doesn't represent Taemin's personality clearly. And THE GENDER STEREOTYPES. God it was bothering me so much And ugh.... I could go on about it forever.
    Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to write this post. It's so well written, comprehensive, and it explains things in such a reasonable, unbiased way. It really cleared some things up for me and I've decided not to continue with the show. You're an amazing shawol! Thanks again! <3

  12. I thought I was the only one who believed in mangboongs that know the show is scripted, but believe the couple is truly dating in real life and their romantic feelings are genuine. Take Taemin and Naeun for example, both never really have common interactions with the opposite sex, which acts as more fuel for their hardcore shippers. Also, from what ive seen on that ''Taeun first love'' soompi forum, which has now been deleted, most of these shippers are Apink fans and only really care about shipping, its like they dismiss what the idol's true job is. For example, after WGM, They'd get mad at Taemin for even talking to other girls (for example, that show during ACE promos with Soyou and Dasom). Some also mention this silver bracelet, that Naeun is always wearing that belonged to Taemin, but even if he did gave it to her, it doesnt necessary mean they are dating in real life, they could be friends I mean didn't they film WGM for 9 months? And you meet once a week is it? These people also believe they are really dating and talk as it is. This is probably what irks me the most about that show, the mangboongs who really believe their feelings are genuine as romantic partners and are actually dating and are always rubbing it in others faces or mentioning it. This is why im not too fond of ships as some people take them more than very seriously. Ive also read about them ignoring each other on music shows or events which is ''proof'' they are dating, however if they were interacting, shippers would also use it as ''proof'' so either way?!

  13. i agree with most of your points but isn't SHINEE a group from SM. The CEO Lee soo-man seems to be a person of considerable influence and is respected. Won't the staff atleast inform SM if there was a scenario that could potray Taemin negatively and which in turn will hurt SHINEE and thats bad bussiness for SM? And if it did hurt bussiness for SM, they might have sued MBC.

  14. I know I'm way late to the discussion but i just can't stop laughing at reason no. 1. Lol fans don't want to see their bias with other girls. "It sucks" yes god forbid they act like normal human beings!
    Do fans really think they have a chance with these people?

  15. Yes, and that is why SM pull out Taemin from that show earlier. MBC say shit for the incomplete contract agreement after the scandal. So Yeah Lee sooman did it

  16. I got your point about the fans hating we got married/MBC but i still don't get why most of shawols are mad at naeun and kept on badmouthing her. If your argument is correct, Naeun is a victim here as much as taemin. Then why the hate? The painful part is how she was being accused of using taemin to become popular. Lastly, I know wgm has script. Yes, the couple might be dictated on how to act and what to do but they cannot dictate their EVERY EXPRESSION, WORD, AND ACTION. You cannot say that it was all scripted. Yes, I still ship naeun and taemin until now. Yes, you can call me delusional or whatever. But what os really the point of the hatred/annoyance of other fans? We got married has ended long ago. Your anger must be long gone now. But why are some of you stilm hating on taeun shippers until now? Is it really bc of wgm?or is it bc of naeun?or just that you dont want taemin to date? I dont get it. Why cant we just ship anyone we want to? Almost everyone in kpop does that, why cant we?

    1. Say less lol. Finally a comment i agree with. I feel like we can never truly know what the truth is since we werent there when they were filming it sooooo... i am on your side here @,@

    2. This is the comment that i've been looking for!! thank god! i love you. same here, its 2020 but I still ship them till now. I still can't believe how much hate Naeun received that time..

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
